Frontline Nursing

Nursing Saved My Life – Anthony J. Silva, MSN, RN, CNOR, AMB-BC, ROT

Hosted by Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN

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In this episode, Anthony J. Silva, MSN, RN, CNOR, AMB-BC, ROT, discusses his work on the frontlines and in the classroom, the importance of relationships in his career, and more.  

Anthony Silva is an orthopedic scrub nurse and ambulatory registered nurse at Naples Comprehensive Health in Naples, FL. He is faculty at Rasmussen University in Fort Myers, FL, as an adjunct clinical nursing instructor. He is a custom infusion nurse at The Wellness Lab in Naples, Florida. He is currently pursuing his DNP: Family Nurse Practitioner at the University of Miami.  


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The Florida Center for Nursing

The Florida Center for Nursing is established to research and address issues of supply and demand for nursing, including issues of recruitment, retention, and utilization of nurse

The vision of the Florida Center for Nursing is to ensure that the health care needs of the residents and visitors of Florida are met by a competent and sufficient nursing workforce.

The Florida Center for Nursing is proudly headquartered at the University of South Florida College of Nursing.