Frontline Nursing

Once a Nurse, Always a Nurse - Francine Bono-Neri, PhD, RN, APRN, PNP

Hosted by Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN Season 2 Episode 18

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This episode features Florida Center for Nursing Executive Director Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, in conversation with Francine Bono-Neri, PhD, RN, APRN, PNP. Dr. Bono-Neri discusses her work fighting human trafficking and her refusal to fail another victim. 

Francine Bono-Neri, PhD, RN, APRN, PNP is a pediatric nurse practitioner, academic nurse educator, trained sexual assault nurse examiner, researcher, published author, invited speaker, and nurse leader. She served as a Director-at-Large for the American Nurses Association for the State of New York, and as President for the Long Island Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners. Dr. Bono-Neri is the recipient of the prestigious 2019 Jane Eleanor Knox N.E.F. National Scholarship. As a way of giving back, she has established a scholarship in perpetuity through N.E.F., The Francine Bono-Neri Scholarship, which will be awarded annually to a master’s or doctoral nursing student pursuing clinical expertise or scholarly work in the area of human trafficking and anti-trafficking measures. Dr. Bono-Neri was awarded a Nassau County Legislature Citation and was recognized at the United Nations, receiving the 2024 Inspiring Global Nurse Award and the 2024 International Ceca Award. She was selected to be inducted as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) this upcoming Fall. Dr. Bono-Neri is the Co-founder and President of Nurses United Against Human Trafficking, P.A., a global professional association created for the sole purpose of combatting modern-day slavery by educating, equipping, and empowering healthcare professionals on human trafficking and anti-trafficking measures. 


Nurses United Against Human Trafficking 

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The Florida Center for Nursing

The Florida Center for Nursing is established to research and address issues of supply and demand for nursing, including issues of recruitment, retention, and utilization of nurse

The vision of the Florida Center for Nursing is to ensure that the health care needs of the residents and visitors of Florida are met by a competent and sufficient nursing workforce.

The Florida Center for Nursing is proudly headquartered at the University of South Florida College of Nursing.