Frontline Nursing

Helping People Come Back to Themselves – Terry Chase, ND, MA, RN, CEIP-ED

Hosted by Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN Season 2 Episode 16

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This episode features guest Terry Chase, ND, MA, RN, CEIP-ED, talking about finding nursing after a traumatic bike accident and making herself “bigger than the chair.” 

Dr. Terry Chase is a nationally recognized speaker, teacher, and author spanning careers in health care, higher education, and private practice. As a leader in nursing and health care, she has contributed value to educational programs as Patient and Family Education Coordinator at Craig Hospital, Denver Colorado, and most recently, as Associate Professor-Mental Health in the BSN program at Colorado Mesa University. She is the author of countless professional papers and the award-winning book, Spoke by Spoke: How a Broken Back and a Broken Bike Led to a WholeHearted Life


The Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence 

National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers 

Florida Center for Nursing 

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The Florida Center for Nursing

The Florida Center for Nursing is established to research and address issues of supply and demand for nursing, including issues of recruitment, retention, and utilization of nurse

The vision of the Florida Center for Nursing is to ensure that the health care needs of the residents and visitors of Florida are met by a competent and sufficient nursing workforce.

The Florida Center for Nursing is proudly headquartered at the University of South Florida College of Nursing.