Frontline Nursing
Presented by the Florida Center for Nursing, Frontline Nursing is a podcast that recognizes the impact nurses have on our lives and our communities. Throughout the series, FCN Executive Director, Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, will talk with those on the frontlines of health care to hear about the issues impacting the nursing workforce, insights from their personal journeys, and what inspires them.
Frontline Nursing
Nurses Make a Difference: Willa Fuller, Executive Director of Florida Nurses Association
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Welcome to Season 2 of Frontline Nursing! In this episode, Willa Fuller, BSN, RN, discusses her years of nursing experience and her current position as Executive Director of the Florida Nurses Association. The conversation dives into the endless possibilities of nursing and how nurses bring the act of caring to every position they hold, including Executive Director of the FNA.
Willa Fuller, BSN, RN is the Executive Director of the Florida Nurses Association and has been a nurse for over 30 years. She worked as a medical-surgical nurse and clinical nurse educator before following her passion and joining FNA to advocate for nurses.
The Florida Center for Nursing
The Florida Center for Nursing is established to research and address issues of supply and demand for nursing, including issues of recruitment, retention, and utilization of nurse
The vision of the Florida Center for Nursing is to ensure that the health care needs of the residents and visitors of Florida are met by a competent and sufficient nursing workforce.