Frontline Nursing
Presented by the Florida Center for Nursing, Frontline Nursing is a podcast that recognizes the impact nurses have on our lives and our communities. Throughout the series, FCN Executive Director, Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, will talk with those on the frontlines of health care to hear about the issues impacting the nursing workforce, insights from their personal journeys, and what inspires them.
The Florida Center for Nursing is proudly headquartered at the University of South Florida College of Nursing.
Frontline Nursing
Giving Nurses a Voice: Emily Bloom works to make nurses' voices heard
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In this episode of Frontline Nursing, Emily Bloom, BSN, RN discusses her experiences during the pandemic that resulted in her leaving the bedside. Emily calls for action and proposes solutions to improve working conditions for nurses, which will ultimately result in higher quality and safer patient care.
The Florida Center for Nursing
The Florida Center for Nursing is established to research and address issues of supply and demand for nursing, including issues of recruitment, retention, and utilization of nurse
The vision of the Florida Center for Nursing is to ensure that the health care needs of the residents and visitors of Florida are met by a competent and sufficient nursing workforce.
The Florida Center for Nursing is proudly headquartered at the University of South Florida College of Nursing.